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Hape Baby Einstein - curiosity table

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Curiosity table

Fee: £ 2.00 per 14 days

Location: United Reformed Church Hall
Condition: 1
Brand: Hape Baby Einstein
Code: SBTL1173

Baby Einstein Curiosity Table Activity Station Description
Baby Einstein Curiosity Table Activity Station

A two-sided art and science table full of gadgets for little ones to explore-from removable, spinning gears to color-discovery circuits and a flashing light bulb
Transforms to fit different ages, stages and needs and can entertain more than one baby at a time
Panel can move locations to open up a larger play area; table legs remove for floor play
Lights up and plays 65 melodies and sounds
Includes a dry erase whiteboard and a magnetic art surface.

Safety instructions required None specific
Item source Purchased with library funds

This item is not available for reservation online. Please contact us.

United Reformed Church Hall
Stacy's house